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Scholarship Information

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College Transition Tips

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College Transition Tips

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College Transition Tips

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Irelands Scholarship

It's Ireland Scholarship time. Attached is the application form. Please use this has a couple changes on it from last year. And do rea...

Iowa Western Scholarship

As one semester is underway, we are always preparing for new students starting at Iowa Western. The deadline for Iowa Western Foundation Scholars...

Iowa State Fair

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Iowa Soybean Association

The Iowa Soybean Association will be awarding scholarships to seniors who are furthering their education at an ag-related college or university. The...

Western Iowa CO-OP

Western Iowa CO-OP is pleased to offer a scholarship opportuntiy through CHS. The application deadline is April 1. 2012. Scholarships will be award...

Western Iowa Power Cooperative

If you are a member of the Western Iowa Power Cooperative you may be eligible for a scholarship. Please visit and click on the News & ...

Nursing at Morningside College

Please see Mrs. Smits for scholarship information if you are interested in Morningside's Nursing Progam. Application due March 2, 2012.

First Friday Breakfast Club Scholarship

For scholarship information visit

Choosing a career in the Auto Industry?

Scholarships are available for eligible students. For more information visit Applications are due March 1,...

Iowa State Veishea 2012 Scholarships

Applications for students attending Iowa State University can be found at All materials are due February 17, 2012.

Iowa Professional Golfer's Association

The Iowa PGA offers an annual scholarship to elgible students. Scholarship winners are selected on the basis of their interest and activity in golf ...

Health Care Career Scholarships

Iowa Hospital Education Research Foundation is awarding scholarships to eligible students. See Mrs. Smits for an application or go to www.iowahospit...

Retired Educator's Scholarship

The Sioux City Retired Educators will award two scholarships to two high school seniors enrolling in a post-secondary institution for the following s...

Iowa Private College Week~Save the Date!

August 6-10, 2012 For five days, Iowa’s private colleges and universities are inviting you and your parents to come explore our campuses, visit...

Juniors and Seniors

College Visits = Happier Students Right here in Iowa, you’ve got dozens of college options. But which college fits? Tour Your Options ...

Scholarships Available

Each year scholarships are awarded to deserving students from funds established by generous donors who want to make an investment in the future of Si...